Sit Back and Relax

After our brunch, mome asked if there is anywhere we can go to sit back and relax. The first place came to my mind was Sunset Bar in Shangri-La's Tanjung Aru Resort & Spa, then I thought of how crowded it may get during the weekends.

then, I thought of Sunset Bar in Nexus Resort & Spa Karambunai I went few years back with Nathalie. Nexus Karambunai is around 20 - 30 minutes from the city, depends on the traffic. travelling more than 20 minutes is consider far to kk-ians, so Nexus Karambunai would be more chilling compared to Shangri-La's. 

before we headed to Nexus Karambunai, we stopped by the roadside for some coconut pudding and BBQ coconut. It was the same place I had in the post Picnic in Rasa Ria a year ago. 

when my brother and I were younger, we love the spaghetti here in Nexus Karambunai, as told by my mom. I didn't know but I do have some memories about coming here often. and I do remember one naughty kid pushed me into an adult pool and ran away. I was drowning and gulping a lot of water. fortunately some passer-by saved me and told me not to swim here. I was so pissed and I was crying looking for my mom. That was a bad experience and that's how I got phobia in getting my head under the water. and why I never learnt how to swim. 

that's one thing I need to conquer and why I wanted to dive in the sea someday in the near future. 

okay, no more stories. 

let's see what I've taken inside my camera that day. 

before sunset

Mother Nature is beautiful, isn't it? 

Before we left the place, took a family picture as a memory.

love how my batik is the colour of the sunset.

till then.

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