Ford Roadshow @ City Mall, Kota Kinabalu

Only a few days left to December, time passes so quickly that 2014 is going to end. Feeling a lil nostalgic about it. I'm currently at the week 15 of my internship now in KVC, and counting down to my last day of internship everyday.

that's not the point about this blog post.

as seen on my title above, yes, I took a freelance job offered by Eugene for working as a Ford Roadshow promoter last weekend. I've never been really taking this kind of job, expect the time I helped Ah Hock in his Maxis mobile booth few years back. That's not official because I was not really serious about it plus I have no pay at all. purely just for fun.

I was only 18 

Yup, found this from my Facebook. Haha, look how tan I was.

Working as a promoter is easy, nuff said. but no, it ain't easy. Imagine standing on high heels for 12 hours, no no, 12 hours x 2 days is 24 hours. My back and leg are so so painful and the sores after that. not fun, not fun at all.

other than standing the whole day, my skin is suffering too. I was putting on thick makeup for more than 8 hours, which is not healthy to my skin. No wonder most promoter breakout a lot. 


the pay was good, working two days as a promoter equivalent to working for a month in my internship. I was attracted to that actually. *giggle* 

nothing worth having comes easy, that's what she said. but the feeling of satisfaction of earning money by my own hard work is wonderful. Hope more opportunity to come. 

selca? yes, selca. 

working partner: Elynn 

Thanks Eugene for a new experience!

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