2016 Resolution

Hello there. Happy New Year! (tho I am two weeks late.)

My final results had just released and I am going to scream out loud capitalise out hard that I PASS ALL MY SUBJECTS! I have been worried about my results as I did not do well during the exam due to being unwell. I thank God for that. 

After moving back to my hometown, I've been working with my mother and meeting new faces thus the delay in posting up my 2016 resolution post here.

Without further ado, here's my 2016 resolution :

I get stressed up really quickly, and to ensure that I keep my stress level in tact, I will be giving mindfulness a big embrace in 2016. Apart from adult colouring book, I would love to practice mindfulness meditation and yoga to keep my mind calm all time. 

Last year, I've really let myself down when it comes to fitness and health. Having to be a final year student, my assignments, presentations, test and exam have been pilling up over the year thus I have no time to exercise. I know it's an excuse so this year, despite the busy schedule, I wanted to commit into working BBG by Kayla. 

Around this time last year, I got my first invitation to a product review. I was very happy and excited cause my dream has finally came true. I've been blogging since I was 14 and every time I blog, I dreamt of becoming the next fourfeetnine. Now that I am one step closer to my dream, I want to focus on my blog content and hopefully it helps to grow my blog traffics and maybe one day I could making this blog my sole business. 

Now that I started to earn my own living expenses, I wanted to practice personal finance. It is very easy to spend money than saving it up, so I pledge to save 20% of my monthly salary for travelling and also for future property investment. 

I want to travel to more places! Within Malaysia or outside Malaysia that I have never been before by using my own savings.

Read more books and improve my english. Hopefully this help to improve vocabulary and my writing skill.


Now there you have it, my 6 resolution for the year 2016. It's fun to see how much you can achieve in a year. Hopefully, I can achieve it all.

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